Saung Santap Parahyangan

Kami Dengan Bangga Mempersembahkan Kelezatan Autentik Dari Bumi Parahyangan Dalam Setiap Hidangan Kami. Dengan Citarasa Yang Khas Dan Rempah-Rempah Pilihan, Kami Menghadirkan Pengalaman Makan Yang Memanjakan Lidah Anda

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indonesian food

Our Foods

We serve authentic Indonesian food with the best quality ingredients and the best taste
come and enjoy the taste of Indonesian food with us



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Our Services

We provide the best service for you, we serve you with all our heart and we are happy
if you are satisfied with our service

Quality Food

We provide the best quality food for you, we use the best ingredients and the best taste

Comfortable Place

Come and enjoy the atmosphere of our restaurant, we provide a comfortable atmosphere for you

Special Food

On special days we provide special food for you, come and enjoy the special food with us


About Us

We are a restaurant that provides authentic Indonesian food, we provide the best quality food for you, we use the best ingredients and the best taste, come and enjoy the taste of Indonesian food with us

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We are very happy if you are satisfied with our service, we will continue to improve our service for you


Amanda Doe

Food Blogger

Makanannya Enak-Enak, Pelayanannya Juga Baik, Pokoknya Disarankan Untuk Datang Kesini Secepatnya.


John Doe


Restoran Yang Memang Menyajikan Khusus Makanan Khas Sunda Saja, Harganya Dan Rasanya Juga Worth It Banget.


Rizky Fauzi

Excutive Chef

Tempatnya Enak Dan Cocok Banget Buat Kesini Bareng Temen Apalagi Sama Keluarga, Best Banget Deh.


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